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Fifty-four percent of educators report having 10 or fewer books per child in their classroom libraries. On average, educators also estimate that less than half (40 percent) of their book selections represent diverse cultures and almost one-third of educators do not consider their book collection to have an adequate representation of diverse cultures (First Book Literacy Rich Environments Survey, 2022).


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First Book believes that education is the best way out of poverty for children in need. We provide books and other resources to classrooms and programs serving children in need, from birth to age 18, in order to remove barriers to quality education for all kids.

Book-It Repertory Theatre Arts Education MissionTo provide an interactive relationship between youth and literature through diverse theatrical productions and educational programs that promote the joy of reading, enhance student and teacher learning, and inspire the imagination.

This book covers original research on the implementation of open educational practices through the use of open educational resources at the university level. The emphasis on open education in this book is on contextualising resources, supporting student agency and fostering self-directed learning specifically within a South African milieu. The envisaged chapters cover conceptual and review research and empirical work focussing on open educational practices and the use of renewable assessments. The work starts off with an overview of an institutional-wide open education project that prompted the research followed by research on open education in terms of various modules in the health science, music education, law, philosophy, dietetics, anthropology, French language learning, journalism and political science. There is a clear gap in the literature on open education in terms of open educational practices, specifically in terms of contextualising resources, supporting student agency and fostering self-directed learning in a South African context. Despite the existence of some general works on open education in terms of policy, social justice and open textbooks, this book will be unique in exploring the intersections of openness, specifically with contextualisation, student agency and self-directedness.

This Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook is written as the primary resource for a 3-hour graduate course delivered online by The Teachers College at Emporia State University. The course is designed to prepare school leaders (teachers, instructional coaches, administrators, etc.) for the integration and application of diverse educational technologies into classrooms and schools in ways that reflect a theoretical, research-based, and practical understanding of curriculum development and the effective uses of technology. The course explores practical ways to integrate technology into both teaching and learning and the critical importance of adequate training and professional development for successful integration. This intensive course is delivered completely online over a seven-week period using Canvas. Canvas is a web-based learning management system or LMS. It is used by learning institutions, educators, and students to access and manage online course learning materials and communicate skill development and learning achievement.

Growing from Reframing History, a podcast about history theory and practice, Reframing Digital Humanities: Conversations with Digital Humanists, Julian Chambliss, Professor of English at Michigan State University, brings together a diverse group of digital humanities practitioners to reflect on theory and practice. From the question of public engagement and knowledge production to considerations of identity and cultural production, the conversations presented in this work shed light on the ways digital humanities offer scholars tools to ask humane questions. Are the benefits promised being achieved? Are the right tools and training available? Are we asking the right questions? In this volume, scholars deeply engaged in using digital tools reflect on their work and this dynamic academic field.

Taking up the challenge of navigating the complex world of digital humanities, Making Sense of Digital Humanities offers readers an exploration of the many ways scholars have employed the diverse toolkit of digital humanities to create a better understanding of the synergies and disruptions created by technological change. Rooted in a concern for the daunting tasks associated with teaching and learning about the digital humanities, this volume hopes to provide easy entry into a complex topic while highlighting how an understanding of digital humanities can transform our thinking about technology in the modern world.

Urban Health: A Practical Application for Clinical Based Learning is an openly licensed, peer-reviewed textbook for clinical-based nursing educators covering barriers in urban health and their impact on patient health outcomes. The authors explore perspectives of urban communities, urban patients, and urban healthcare providers to offer insight into how healthcare providers can address disparities in urban healthcare, provide meaningful care with the lived experiences of urban patients in mind, and improve patient-provider communication by moving towards a more solution-driven, team-based care approach. Features include learning activities, exemplars, and case studies.

Two years and several surges later, students are back in person, but the effects of the pandemic have shifted the landscape of higher education. As states continue to respond to a constantly changing, technologically advanced world, one thing is clear: Postsecondary education will be the engine that drives us as we recover from the pandemic.

Nearly every SREB state has a goal for raising its education attainment levels, in part to meet projected job growth for people with some postsecondary education. The benefits of higher education go not only to individuals but to the communities in which they live. Higher earnings generally follow higher attainment and lead to more tax revenue for local and state governments to fund support services.

As states and postsecondary institutions emerge into a new sense of normalcy as the global pandemic progresses, we have only begun to see what kind of effects it will have on higher education. From increases in virtual attendance to decreases in enrollment to the fallout from the Great Resignation, future editions of the Fact Book will show how the COVID-19 pandemic shapes the future of higher education and the workforce.

Postsecondary attainment continues a slow climb in the South, according to the 2019 Fact Book on Higher Education. Population and college enrollment trends are beginning to slow at a time when advancing technology and artificial intelligence are shifting the workplace to demand higher-level skills. And affordability remains a stubborn challenge to students and families and to states trying raise state education attainment levels to grow their economies.

Susan Campbell Lounsbury joined the Southern Regional Education Board in 2014 as the director of education data services. She has more than 25 years of experience in higher education policy and practice. Susan is responsible for coordinating the collection of data for the SREB State Data Exchange. She analyzes data and produces publications, such as the SREB Fact Book on Higher Education, Featured Facts, and Indicators Report.

CDC is offering a series of weekly one-hour web-on-demand videos that will provide an overview of vaccination principles, general best practices, immunization strategies, and specific information about vaccine-preventable diseases and the vaccines that prevent them. Each video will include updated information from recent Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meetings and votes.

There is no registration process to view the sessions. The link to each course can be accessed on/after the indicated date. Questions about the material presented can be submitted to

This year saw a number of outstanding books about a host of higher education topics, ranging from policy issues such as college costs and student learning to hot button subjects like academic freedom and online cheating. The list even includes one murder mystery. Here are my selections for the best titles in 2022.

The Complete Guide To Contract Cheating In Higher Education by Dave Tomar is the definitive book on contract cheating, where college students pay to have others write their assigned essays, papers and capstone projects for them. Tomar, whose public admission a decade ago that he was a well-compensated ghostwriter, earned him both the title of the "Shadow Scholar" and the widespread enmity of college faculty, blows the whistle on the contract cheating industry in this highly engaging, often disturbing, account of online cheating-for-hire.

Part confessional, part expose, this is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn the ins-and-outs of ghostwriting, the reasons why students cheat and how the problem should be understood and addressed. Grounded in a genuine concern about the pressures students face, a frank recognition of higher education's contribution to the problem, and thoughtful perspectives on college teaching, this eye-opener of a book grabs your attention and never lets go.

Leadership Matters: Confronting the Hard Choices Facing Higher Education by two former college presidents - W. Joseph King (Lyon College) and Brian C. Marshall (Bucknell University and Washington and Jefferson College) - discusses how higher education leaders can help institutions adapt to the changing economic, social and political forces that increasingly challenge them.

Students varied considerably in acquiring this higher-order cognitive skillset, with about a quarter showing high levels and about a quarter evidencing low levels. Those with higher HEDCAP tend to approach college with mindsets that emphasize exploration (learning new ideas) or transformation (questioning core beliefs) rather than inertia (an extension of high school) or transaction (obtaining a tangible ROI, such as a good job). 041b061a72


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