Geometer`s Sketchpad 4.07
The Geometer's Sketchpad Version 4 was first released in December 2001, and has been replaced by Version 5, described above. The last minor update to version 4 was 4.07, and version 4 users are encouraged to use that version until they can upgrade to version 5. Version 4.07 is a free update for all version 4 users. For more details on minor updates, consult their release notes.
Geometer`s Sketchpad 4.07
The 4.07 update can be applied to existing installations of Sketchpad 4.0x, and is recommended for all of these installations. Download the updater appropriate to your platform and license. Note that updaters only work for the given type of license--you cannot use the Full Edition updater to update a Student Edition of Sketchpad. These updates apply only to English-language editions of Sketchpad released by Key Curriculum Press.
GSP is a dynamic geometric construction package with features that include construction tools, measurement tools, transformation tools, and animation tools. Geometer's Sketchpad is published by Key Curriculum Press at . We have version 4.07 AND version 5.06 on the computers in Room 111/113. GSP is available for both Macintosh and Windows and files transfer from one platform to the other. See the web site for information on purchase of a student version for approximately $40. It is also available at the UGa Bookstore.
AirPortUtility-6.3.1 iTunesX-11.0.4 iTunesXPatch-11.0.4 JavaForOSX-1.0 OSXUpd10.8.4-10.8.4 OSXUpdCombo10.8.4-10.8.4 RAWCameraUpdate4.07-4.07 RemoteDesktopClient-3.6.2 SecUpd2013-003-1.0 ThunderboltFirmwareUpdate1.2-1.2 Safari6.0.5Lion-6.0.5 Safari6.0.4Mountain-6.0.4 041-9577-2.14
Los nombres de archivo de instalación del programa más comunes son: Geometers Sketchpad 4.5.exe, Icon8FC70113.exe, GSPVietnamese.exe, GSP312N.exe y GSP 4.07_GR.exe. Se recomienda verificar los archivos descargados con un antivirus gratuito, ya que no podemos garantizar que sean seguros.